Mastodon Nachhilfe Birmingham Financial management, Financial management Nachhilfe in Birmingham : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe financial management Birmingham

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?): financial, management
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Suche: Financial Management in Birmingham  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, M... Any

1) ID 26754
aus B11 3 Birmingham
Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management
Master in Business Administration, Bacholer in Science(Honours), Bacholer in Science
I have more than twenty six years of experience for serving in the Pakistan Army, wherein I had been taking various training, security and management/administration assignments as part of my routine and special duties. Besides having supervised / commanded multifarious outfits at varying tiers of command and managing operational / security / administrative aspects, management of human resource and timely and accurate decision making have been major concerns needing special attention. I, as an Army officer have grown progressively in outlook and experience with numerous courses / training activities which always had its main features as inculcating leadership qualities, skills for planning at strategic/tactical levels within the most professional/competitive environment, instill integrity/honesty with a well articulated system of accountability and last but not the least important, development of the most persuasive negotiation skills. Not only that I was imparted all my training in English language but trained to train my subordinates & colleagues to be the trainers themselves. I also had an opportunity to serve in some of the officers’ training schools and was engaged in imparting training to officers in various military subjects including English language and communication skills. These distinctive training facets were so well practiced throughout the career so as to making these as my second nature. As part of my administrative endeavors, I was also engaged in the complex estate, procurement, inventory management matters. I am putting in years of diversified experience of planning, implementing, directing, controlling, evaluating medium to large size projects, handling emergency crisis situations with team working skills and have rich experience of teaching at various levels which I always cherished. Off late these skills have further been polished with the knowledge and understanding developed through various courses which were attended by me during MBA degree wherein I have specializes in Supply Chain Management. I am legally authorized to work in the UK. Foregoing in view, I consider my self one of the most suitable candidates for the any vacancy you may have. Application along with my CV is therefore, forwarded. I see lot of interest in the job. I believe and assure you, once I have interest, I will be able to deliver my services with lot of creativity and dedication and shall become a useful member of the team to contribute positively and can surly make the desired difference.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, M... Any

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Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für financial management
2) ID 26754
Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management
Master in Business Administration, Bacholer in Science(Honours), Bacholer in Science
I have more than twenty six years of experience for serving in the Pakistan Army, wherein I had been taking various training, security and management/administration assignments as part of my routine and special duties. Besides having supervised / commanded multifarious outfits at varying tiers of command and managing operational / security / administrative aspects, management of human resource and timely and accurate decision making have been major concerns needing special attention. I, as an Army officer have grown progressively in outlook and experience with numerous courses / training activities which always had its main features as inculcating leadership qualities, skills for planning at strategic/tactical levels within the most professional/competitive environment, instill integrity/honesty with a well articulated system of accountability and last but not the least important, development of the most persuasive negotiation skills. Not only that I was imparted all my training in English language but trained to train my subordinates & colleagues to be the trainers themselves. I also had an opportunity to serve in some of the officers’ training schools and was engaged in imparting training to officers in various military subjects including English language and communication skills. These distinctive training facets were so well practiced throughout the career so as to making these as my second nature. As part of my administrative endeavors, I was also engaged in the complex estate, procurement, inventory management matters. I am putting in years of diversified experience of planning, implementing, directing, controlling, evaluating medium to large size projects, handling emergency crisis situations with team working skills and have rich experience of teaching at various levels which I always cherished. Off late these skills have further been polished with the knowledge and understanding developed through various courses which were attended by me during MBA degree wherein I have specializes in Supply Chain Management. I am legally authorized to work in the UK. Foregoing in view, I consider my self one of the most suitable candidates for the any vacancy you may have. Application along with my CV is therefore, forwarded. I see lot of interest in the job. I believe and assure you, once I have interest, I will be able to deliver my services with lot of creativity and dedication and shall become a useful member of the team to contribute positively and can surly make the desired difference.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe geben

Nachhilfe geben ist ein spannender Nebenjob (- wenn er gut genug bezahlt wird). Denn jede Begegnung mit einem/r Schüler/in ist anders, auch die Familien sind verschieden. Manchmal ergeben sich längerfristige gute Beziehungen bis hin zu Freundschaften. Denn Nachhilfe geben ist häufig, was ein Gruppenunterricht nur selten sein kann: individuell und persönlich. Beim Begleiten und Unterrichten von Schülern in höheren Klassen oder bei der Nachhilfe für Studenten müssen Nachhilfelehrer/innnen sich gelegentlich etwas intensiver in den Stoff einarbeiten. Wenn das zeitlich möglich ist oder evtl. vom Schüler finanziell ausgeglichen wird, dann machen das die Nachhilfelehrer in der Regel gerne, und manchmal machen sie sich den Aufwand auch ohne dafür bezahlt zu werden - einfach aus eigenem Interesse und Neugier. Da sind die Nachhilfelehrer und Nachhilfelehrerinnen nach meiner Erfahrung sehr verschieden. Wer zum ersten Mal daran denkt, Nachhilfe zu geben ist bei uns richtig. Jetzt einfach kostenlos als Nachhilfelehrer/in anmelden - und wenn Fragen aufkommen: wir helfen gerne und können mit Erfahrung, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, ...denn: wir helfen helfen ;)

Nachhilfe nehmen

Es ist eine clevere Entscheidung Nachhilfe zu suchen. Denn Nachhilfeunterricht ist nicht nur Förderunterricht nach der Schule oder als intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung. Nachhilfe ist eine Chance, und eine Begegnung: mit einer anderen Art, die Dinge zu sehen und erklärt zu bekommen. Wenn die Chemie stimmt und die fachlichen Grundlagen Fundament haben, dann kann professionelle Nachhilfe die Noten verbessern, Prüfungsängste abbauen, eine Nachprüfung vermeiden und dabei vielleicht auch noch Spaß machen. ;) - Also jetzt registrieren und einen Nachhilfelehrer finden! - Wir wünschen von Herzen eine erfolgreiche Nachhilfe!

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